
For this assignment, my goal was to find three different ways of composition: Diagonals, Triangles, and One Thirds. Here are a few of my photos that I think show the themes.  


  1. I really like the the seventh photograph in this series. The black and white triangle is very creative and makes you look twice. It pulls you into the photograph by having an interesting angle.

  2. I like the second to last picture at the bottom, I think that the bright color of the jeans and and dark color of the shoes and the area around the picutre really makes it look nice.

  3. I really liked the 4th photo of this series. The black and white filter fits very well with the black and white of Tim's outfit. The contrast of light and dark works very well!

  4. I really liked how you made the colors more vibrant in the photos especially the graffiti on the trash can. These were really well taken great job!

  5. I like how you mixed the light colours with some dark backgrounds and gave the colours a new pop in the editing.

  6. The very vivid colors in these photos make many of them look like paintings. I like the contrast between the colors, usually between colors on one side of the frame, and a form of grey, or white on the other.


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